
2013 Chai Tea & Fashion Show
Beth Tzedec
Sep 17th 2013

More than 250 women of all ages attended Sunday in the Park with Beth Tzedec, the fifth annual Chai Tea and Fashion Show.

Six months of preparation by a committee of 19 enthusiastic and creative women translated into a wonderful afternoon filled with prizes, games, fabulous food and décor, and a lively fashion show courtesy of Options for Her, Sense of Independence and Tulips & Sunflowers.

The Banquet Hall was filled with smiles and laughter as generations of women celebrated Mother’s Day together while helping contribute to Beth Tzedec’s Out of the Cold program. Many thanks to the donors, supporters and guests who helped to raise over $9,000 for this most worthy charity.

The event committee looks forward to the 2014 Chai Tea and Fashion Show: Mad Hatter's Tea Party on Sunday, May 11, 2014.