My late aunt Rosea”h used to say, “when they say news, they don’t mean good news.” And when watching the newscasts from the alphabet soup of networks, it’s easy to see that bad news always, shall we say, ‘trumps’ good news.
In reporting the top BT News items, I am proud to say there is lots of good news to report. Do not adjust your dial—CELEBRATE!
- High Holy Day offerings rock: From the High Holy Day prayer services, Hot Topics sessions, Connect Lounge, new alternative Services and a new maẖzor, BT offerings are getting better and more diverse.
- Attendance tops 10,000 in first six months: We had a record number of daily/weekly programs for adults of all ages, families, youth, teens and singles on topics from mental health to Day Trips in Jewish History, from summer movie nights to the ever-popular Book and Film Club, the Joys of Jewish Music series, classes and lectures, basketball and floor hockey leagues.
- Beth Tzedec Reuben & Helene Dennis Museum open for business: The Museum continues to welcome at least 100 people a month on official scheduled tours, and the collection is accessible for daily visitors.
- Games, games and more games: Weekly, as many as 70 people fill the Hurwich Boardroom and Dr. Small Lounge for Bridge, Canasta and non-contact Mahjong (not for the faint of heart).
- BT community steps up: Volunteer teams rally to raise money to bring wounded Israeli soldiers to Toronto, to sponsor a family fleeing the devastation in Syria, and to support our ongoing commitment to take care of our city’s less fortunate through the Out of the Cold program.
- Fiscal responsibility leads the way: Once again, the shul leadership and staff worked hard to return a break-even budget while continuing to keep the administrative and building systems running smoothly. Our membership numbers continue to be fairly stable, and this year, we welcomed 107 new members to the Beth Tzedec family.
- Breaking from the past: Old walls are coming down and new ones rise to refresh and renew our sacred and celebratory spaces. Renovations are underway with better access and a new second floor banquet hall due to open by September. Rather than behindthe-walls mechanical or electrical upgrades, this year we are putting our Building Reserve Fund money to work in spaces that we all can see, appreciate and enjoy using.
With daily and Shabbat services, life cycle celebrations and community rentals, our BT is buzzing with people and activities. In the heart of the city, Beth Tzedec is “synagogue central”.
And finally, we welcome you to learn more about BT and get involved on a committee or with one of our special projects. Feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions at 416-781-3514 ext. 211 or