
Beth Tzedec Bulletin - High Holy Days Edition 2023
By: Beth Tzedec
Aug 28th 2023
Beth Tzedec Bulletin - Fall / High Holy Days 2023 EditionThe latest edition of the Beth Tzedec Bulletin is available for download. Let's celebrate, learn, pray and connect as a community with the many opportunities offered throughout our quarterly catalogue of programs, events and articles.Don't miss any of the news and excitement, including:Patti Rotman's "From the President"...
Psalm 27 - From: Opening to You: Zen-Inspired Translations of the Psalms
By: Beth Tzedec
Aug 25th 2023
by Norman FischerYou are my light and my help                 Whom should I fear?You are the fortress of my life                 Who should I dread?When the narrow ones gather their strength to devour me                It is they who stumble and fallEven if a...
Guidance and Handholding into Maturity: The Week's End, August 25
By: Daniel Silverman
Aug 25th 2023
All of us at Beth Tzedec are So excited that the Netflix and Happy Madison film, You Are So Not Invited To My Bat Mitzvah, is now available for viewing. Many scenes in the movie were filmed in Beth Tzedec in the Summer of 2022 and included members of the community as background actors. One of the main plotlines of the film is about an emerging Jewish adult – but...
Where Are Your Loyalties?
By: Rev. Lorne Hanick
Aug 18th 2023
This summer I was in England for the first time. I spent five days in London at the 43rd annual conference of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS).The conference was excellent, but the highlight of the trip for me was running around London for a few days before and after the conference to see the great sites. My sightseeing brought to mind memories...
High Holy Days 2023 - FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions
By: Beth Tzedec
Aug 16th 2023
We look forward to welcoming you to Beth Tzedec for High Holy Days 5784 beginning sundown September 15 which also coincides with Erev Shabbat. We have updated our FAQs to help you plan for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, whether you are participating in person or via livestream.1.  What in-person services are being offered this year?We are very pleased to host multiple in-person services this...
Beth Tzedec Men's Club Scholarship Program - 2024
By: Beth Tzedec
Aug 15th 2023
The Beth Tzedec Men’s Club is pleased to sponsor our long standing scholarship program to assist young men and women who are pursuing programs of higher Jewish education. The criteria we use to judge each applicant is based on the following and should be given careful consideration when applying. The information provided with this application is the sole source upon which the...
A Humbling Charitable Reminder
By: Cantor Sidney Ezer
Aug 11th 2023
Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik (1820-1892), the Rabbi of Brisk, also known by the title of his work, Beit Halevi, was revered throughout Europe as a foremost scholar and Talmudic sage. Even more renowned was his kindness of heart and humility, which the following story relates.One day, he stopped by an inn in the middle of a freezing night and asked for lodging. He had no entourage with him. The...
My Tefillin Story: The Week's End, August 4, 2023
By: Rabbi Robyn Fryer Bodzin
Aug 4th 2023
Dear Friends, I spent last week at Camp Ramah. On Shabbat afternoon, I was given the opportunity to teach the Hanhallah, comprised of unit heads and other senior staff. I reminded them that the second paragraph of Shema falls in this week’s parashah, and it would be a superb opportunity to teach their campers that we kiss our tefillin when we mention them each day. In Devarim 11:18 we...
Shabbat Nahamu: The Week's End, July 28 2023
By: Rabbi Steve Wernick
Jul 28th 2023
The Shabbat after Tisha B’av has a special name, Shabbat Nahamu.  It get’s its name from the opening sentence of the Haftarah (Isaiah 40:1) , “Nachamu Nahamu ami – Comfort, comfort My People.”  Both the Haftarah and the choice of the Torah Reading, V’Ethanah in which we read of the Ten Commandments and the recitation of the Shema are designed to provide us with comfort and...
Beth Tzedec Stands with the Global Masorti/Conservative Movement
By: Rabbi Steve Wernick
Jul 27th 2023
Beth Tzedec stands in support with the Global Masorti/Conservative Movement's response to the Israeli government's changes to the Constitution. The Global Masorti/Conservative representatives in the Zionist movement are appalled by Netanyahu's capitulation to extremists and the passage of anti-democratic legislation.Read the full statement below or click here to download it.Global...
Fraudulent Text Message Scheme
By: Beth Tzedec
Jul 27th 2023
We are aware of fraudulent text messages appearing to come from Rabbi Steven Wernick. The message asks people to purchase gift cards on Reb Steve's behalf. The messages begin with this text: "Are you available? I have a request for you to manage discreetly." ... and they are signed as "House of Peace".We remind our members and the community that no one from Beth Tzedec...
In Order to Inhabit: The Week's End July 21, 2023
By: Aviva Chernick
Jul 21st 2023
This week, we begin a new sefer - a new book of Torah, Devarim - Deuteronomy. My dad had a quote he loved that he must have learned in high school German class - “Aller anfang ist shwer,” every beginninging is hard. This is the beginning of the book and also the beginning of the end of the Torah. In the sixth pasuk - verse, we readיְהֹוָ֧ה אֱלֹהֵ֛ינוּ דִּבֶּ֥ר...
Welcome to our Director of Family and Young Adult Engagement, Cantor Audrey Klein
By: Beth Tzedec
Jul 18th 2023
We are delighted to announce that Cantor Audrey Klein has started this week in her role as Beth Tzedec’s Director of Family and Young Adult Engagement. Cantor Klein is responsible for overseeing family programming and serving as the spiritual and administrative leader in this area. In her new role, she is developing personal relationships with a community of more than 800...
HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS? Beth Tzedec Generations Membership
By: Beth Tzedec
Jul 14th 2023
If you are renewing your Generations Membership click here>>HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS?Beth Tzedec Congregation is continuing its no-fee membership program for those under 40.Click here>> to confirm your no-fee membership now. Or keep reading below for more details about this breakthrough initiative in Toronto’s Jewish community. What possessed us to do such a thing? It’s...
Journeys of Not Knowing: The Week's End July 14, 2023
By: Yacov Fruchter
Jul 14th 2023
As we end the book of Bamidbar (Numbers), there is a continued theme of the vulnerable Children of Israel wandering through the desert. We get this sense that they are becoming more and more comfortable with sitting with the unknown and also working on the skill of asking questions when we are unsure. Here we see an essential tool that Ryla and I are also constantly supporting our children...