
YESH Pre-Purim Program

for Grades 5 to 8 and their familis

Mar 09 2025, 3:00PM to 6:00PM in the Mezzanine Hall.

Mishenichnas Adar Marbim Be'Simcha

Get ready for Purim with a gourmet hamentashen bake! Berry, chocolate, lemon, s'mores—the choice is yours!

After we've made some tasty treats, we invite our YESH families to join us for a Purim hesed project. Combining two of the Purim mitzvot, we'll put together mishloach manot that we will donate (Matanot L'Evyonim, gifts for the less fortunate).

Event Details
For Information:
Hannah Wohl
  • Youth
  • Families