
'Yellow Candle' Design Contest
By: Beth Tzedec
Feb 11th 2015
Yellow Candle Design Contestfor teens ages 13 to 18 years!Are you a budding graphic artist? Do you have a talent for creating and designing? The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) is looking for design submissions for their 2015 Yellow Candle campaign. This contest provides the chance to have your artwork exhibited on tens of thousands of Yom Hashoah candles distributed around the world...
Purim Greeting Cards
By: Beth Tzedec
Jan 29th 2015
This year,when you send Purim greetings to family and friends, choose Treasures of Beth Tzedec tribute cards.Our beautiful Purim card features a greggar from the Beth Tzedec Reuben and Helene Dennis Museum collection, and are available in two ways:Pick up cards from the Synagogue office to personalize and send yourself. Cards are available in packages of 12 for $54 or $5 for...
The Four Mitzvot of Purim
By: Aily Leibtag
Jan 16th 2015
Enhance your family's holiday experience while honouring the Purim obligationsThere are four things we are obligated to do on Purim. Using the four mitzvot as a guide, here are some suggestions for making this year’s Purim more meaningful for your family. Mitzvah #1: Hear the Megillah Watch a DVD of one of Beth Tzedec’s past Purim plays before you hear the Megillah. You will...
Celebrating a Year of 'Firsts'
By: Daniel Silverman
Jan 16th 2015
This has been an incredibly exciting year for me and my family. My wife Rachel and I welcomed our wonderful daughter Mira into the world the day after Pesaẖ, and after the fall ẖagim, we moved into our first home. As we mark all the significant moments in Mira’s first year—rolling over, sitting up, her first tooth, and soon (but not too soon I hope) crawling—we are finding that...
Windows to the World
By: Rabbi Adam Cutler
Jan 16th 2015
Windows provide distance, the ability to see events from a removed, safe vantage point.I am blessed in my office with three large southern exposure windows. Rare is the day that I don’t rotate my chair 90 degrees, taking a short break from whatever I am doing, and stare out onto Warwick Avenue. I can watch the Robbins Hebrew Academy students head home from school or our shul’s...
Chicago: My Kind of Town
By: Randy Spiegel
Jan 16th 2015
Last month, Rav Baruch and I spent four glorious(read—FREEZING) days at the ReNEWed Jewish Leaders Conference. Seventy-three executive directors and rabbis representing nearly 250,000 Jews affiliated through our synagogues were invited to learn, share practice issues and problem-solve with academics and business leaders. In its fifth year, the program has presented professional Jewish...
Food, Words and Song
By: Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl
Jan 7th 2015
Cuisine, in addition to text and melody, is important in the survival of Judaism.Particularly during the winter, I enjoy comfort food, a good book and music to stir the soul. Each makes claims on my identity. In The Encyclopedia of Jewish Food, the late Gil Marks points to adaptation and transmission as essential to Jewish cuisine. In Jews and Words, Amos Oz and Fania Oz-Saltzberger make...
Just Added: Monday Morning Session of our Mishpacha Program
By: Beth Tzedec
Dec 24th 2014
Monday Morning Mishpacha ProgramDue to overwhelming demand, a Monday session of the popular Mishpacha: Toddlers, Tunes and Treats program for children ages 1 to 3 with a parent, grandparent or caregiver is now being offered, beginning Monday, January 12. Spaces are limited; register early to avoid disappointment. For more information, contact Jo Swartz at 416-781-3514 ext. 230.
The Vinyl Chorus
By: Beth Tzedec
Dec 22nd 2014
A chance for singers of all ages and musical backgrounds to join together and have fun singing with the ever-entertaining Cantor Simon Spiro. Broadway, Pop, Hebrew, Yiddish and more...If it's on vinyl, we'll be singing it! Regular rehearsals throughout the year will culminate in a 2015 performance with a professional band. Contact Marlene Laba at 416-781-3514 ext. 234.
Building a Dynamic Institution
By: S. Blake Teichman
Nov 17th 2014
Thank you to so many of you who spoke to me over the High Holidays wishing me well and encouraging many of our initiatives. Beth Tzedec continues to be at the forefront of Conservative Judaism. On October 6, we hosted The Future of Jewish Life in the Diaspora with Chancellor Arnold Eisen of the Jewish Theological Seminary in dialogue with writer and film-maker David Bezmozgis and moderated...
History and Halakhah, Hanukkah and Hasidism
By: Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl
Nov 17th 2014
Take the opportunity to study and reflect on what we—as Conservative Jews—uniquely do.A hallmark of Conservative Judaism has been a fidelity to Jewish law and observance combined with an awareness of the historic development of Judaism. In mid-19th century Europe, the forerunner of what came to be Conservative Judaism called itself Positive-Historical Judaism. “Positive” meant...
Leadership Now and for the Future
By: Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl
Oct 30th 2014
There are eight qualities of leadership we find in the BibleThe recent election of Kathleen Wynne as Premier of Ontario and the race for Mayor of Toronto have focused attention on the nature and quality of leadership.Decisions by Prime Minister Harper, President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu draw attention to different dimensions of leadership in times of national stability,...
By: S. Blake Teichman
Oct 30th 2014
I want Beth Tzedec to transform the way our members experience their lives Jewishly.My connection to Beth Tzedec Congregation began with my maternal great-grandparents who were members of Goel Tzedec, one of our two predecessor synagogues. My parents joined Beth Tzedec in 1955 when they moved with their then two young sons into Cedarvale. I attended Beth Tzedec Day School (which would later...
Yom Kippur - Dancing Cheek to Cheek
By: Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl
Sep 10th 2014
MEKOR CHAIM Yom Kippur – Dancing Cheek to Cheek If Rosh Hashanah is about awareness of God, a proclamation of divine sovereignty and transcendence, then Yom Kippur is about getting close to God.  The ritual is a “dance” to help establish the connection, reveal our personality and demonstrate by our behaviour that we want such a relationship to exist. Our tradition teaches that...
Rally for the People of Israel
By: Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl
Jul 14th 2014
Dear Friends,This has been a challenging summer for the Jewish community: the kidnapping and killing of "our boys", the revenge murder of a young Palestinian, the missiles from Gaza, the Israeli defensive response, the missiles from Gaza, the need for diplomatic and political advocacy, the missiles from Gaza. Many members of our congregation are in Israel; others have children, siblings,...