
Reflections on Reflections
By: Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl
Apr 12th 2016
Reflections on ReflectionsRegis College, University of Toronto I thank Father Scott Lewis of Regis College for hosting this evening; Sister Lucy Thornson of Scarboro Missions for conceiving this program and inviting us to participate; Sister/Professor Eileen Schuller who has already taught me a great deal through her close reading of the document we are discussing tonight; and all of you...
Breaking the Stigma: Depression and Suicide in the Jewish Community
By: Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl
Mar 30th 2016
On Thursday, February 4 at Shaarei Shomayim, Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl participated in an important panel discussion with community and spiritual leaders as well as medical experts in the areas of adolescent, adult and geriatric psychiatry. This important community conversation was a first step in beginning to explain and break down the stigma of mental illness within the Jewish community.To view...
Your Support is Needed
By: Yacov Fruchter
Mar 29th 2016
As we plan for the arrival of the Syrian refugee family we are sponsoring, we have identified three ways our community can help them integrate and adjust to life in Toronto:Housing—We are looking for an affordable two- or three-bedroom apartment in the Lawrence and DVP area of the city. If you own, manage or are aware of a building with a vacancy, please contact me.Electronics—We are in need...
Four Rabbis Walk into a Shul ...
By: Rabbi Adam Cutler
Mar 20th 2016
A year ago, I embarked on a project into the as-of-yet unexplored possible. In Toronto, could four rabbis— Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist—sit together and discuss substantive issues of modern Jewish life in a public forum? The result was Young Rabbis Speak. What started as a one-time, exploratory event looking at a range of topics turned into a...
Acknowledging with Gratitude
By: S. Blake Teichman
Mar 20th 2016
Nn a January 29 eblast to the Congregation, I was pleased to announce that Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl has agreed to defer his retirement by two years, to July 2019. Over the past 22+ years, Rabbi Frydman-Kohl has provided tremendous leadership to our congregational family. As our spiritual leader, he has celebrated with us in times of joy and has provided guidance in times of sorrow. Under...
Matzah and Maror, Mitzvah and Maggid
By: Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl
Mar 20th 2016
Thirty years ago, our son lost his cherished nounours in the pedestrian mall in central Jerusalem. He was inconsolable. A friend, coming to visit us for Passover, brought a similar teddy bear from the same manufacturer. But there was no special attachment to the new bear, who remained without a little boy to love it. If I had been Franz Kafka, the story might have had a different...
A Message from the President - Member Update
By: S. Blake Teichman
Mar 11th 2016
March 11, 2016—There is a lot happening at Beth Tzedec and below is a review of initiatives that relate to medium and long term planning. As always, please feel free to share your comments and questions by email to me at Strategic Plan – Over the past two years, the Strategic Planning Committee, co-chaired by Larry Wallach and Carolyn Kolers,...
A Message from the President
By: S. Blake Teichman
Feb 22nd 2016
For the past decade, we have enjoyed the cantorial and creative music of our Senior Cantor, Cantor Simon Spiro. In August 2016, at the conclusion of his contract, Cantor Simon will be completing his tenure at our synagogue.During his time at Beth Tzedec, Cantor Simon has provided unique musical direction and has become a friend to many in our community. We all join in wishing Cantor...
A Message from the President of Beth Tzedec Congregation
By: S. Blake Teichman
Jan 28th 2016
I am pleased to announce that Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl has agreed to defer his retirement by two years to July 2019. Over the past 22+ years, Rabbi Frydman-Kohl has provided tremendous leadership to our congregational family. As our spiritual leader, he has celebrated with us in times of joy and has provided guidance in times of sorrow. Under Rav Baruch’s leadership, Beth Tzedec continues to...
A Conversation on Weddings
By: Beth Tzedec
Jan 25th 2016
The recent policy change for weddings outside of Beth Tzedec has generated discussion about how our rabbis and cantors balance preserving traditional norms while attempting to meet people where they are. In place of a derashah (sermon), Rabbis Frydman-Kohl and Cutler will be joined by Yacov Fruchter, Director of Community Building and Spiritual Engagement to discuss the context,...
Doing for Ourselves
By: Yacov Fruchter
Jan 17th 2016
“Don’t do for others what they can do for themselves”—this is the iron rule of community organizing. What do you think about this statement? Some believe that embracing this statement is at the core of a successful engagement strategy that is focused on empowering active participants. What does a thriving Beth Tzedec look like to you? Most of us would likely answer...
Closing the Jewish Education Gap
By: Daniel Silverman
Jan 17th 2016
In my three and a half years so far at Beth Tzedec, I have been fortunate to participate in a number of professional development gatherings with other synagogue educators, both locally and from across North America. Regardless of the purpose of our gathering, be it improving teacher supervision, exploring new ideas in experiential education, or learning how to be better recruiters and...
Feeling at Home in Israel
By: Rabbi Adam Cutler
Jan 17th 2016
After graduating high school, i spent a year studying at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, situated just outside of Tel-Aviv. Gap years were not yet de rigeur, and it took a little bit of convincing before my parents sanctioned the trip. Cost was of course a concern, as was academic recognition by a Canadian university upon my return. Ultimately, the school accepted...
Where Tomorrow Begins Today
By: Randy Spiegel
Jan 17th 2016
They say that all good stories start with "Once upon a time”, so here is my short story for today: Once upon a time two downtown synagogues, part of a budding Jewish community bursting with potential, decided it was time to come together and grow up—moving north. It was time to expand their vision and create a future filled with promise and potential as an integral part of the fabric...
Look What You Missed
By: S. Blake Teichman
Jan 17th 2016
I have devoted most of my bulletin columns as President of Beth Tzedec to delivering messages of which the dominant theme has been transformation. I have described the selection of Hariri Pontarini as the architects of our building renovation, the forthcoming changes in the shul building and personnel, our re-affiliation with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and our array of...