This season, we will be broadcasting two Yizkor services:The first on Friday, April 2 at 10:00 a.m., following Shaharit; andthe second on Sunday, April 4 at 9:30 a.m., as part of our Sanctuary Service.Click here to access the services>>Click here to access the Yizkor Book of Remembrance>>
As Chair of the Nominating Committee, in accordance with subsection 9.09(b) of the by-laws of Beth Tzedec Congregation, I call for nominations from the Members of Beth Tzedec Congregation to stand as candidates for election as Directors at the next annual meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 25, 2021. A Member wishing to be nominated as a candidate must submit her or his name to the Nominating...
Beth Tzedec Bulletin - Spring EditionJust like budding flowers and warmer weather, the Beth Tzedec Bulletin has finally arrived! Celebrate spring with our quarterly catalogue of programs, events and articles from synagogue leadership.Don't miss any of the news and excitement, including:Reb Steve's extended article on the decision to officiate same-sex weddings (page 3);Our special...
As a rabbi, one of the most fulfilling things I do is working with couples in preparing them for their special day, and more importantly, for their lives together as rey’im ahuvim, loving companions. Every time I stand under the huppah with a couple, I can see the love in their faces and the joy they and their families share at this moment of celebration and covenantal commitment.In...
Calling All Beth Tzedec Kids and Teens!The Beth Tzedec Men's Club is offering FREE H̱anukkah Gelt to any Beth Tzedec youth (17 or under) who submit a video of themselves celebrating the holiday. Whether you are lighting the ẖanukkiyah or making latkes, the Men's Club wants to see your creativity. One entry per person. Prizes will be awarded upon content, creativity and overall...
The scholarship program for 2021 is now closed. If you would like to apply for the 2022 program, click here to access next year's (2022) application.The Beth Tzedec Men’s Club is pleased to sponsor our long standing scholarship program to assist young men and women who are pursuing programs of higher Jewish education. Applicants need not be a member of Beth Tzedec.The criteria we...
We are excited to announce that Beth Tzedec will begin registering for in-person Friday evening and Shabbat morning services on Friday, October 23.Services will be appropriately distanced, and all who attend will be required to wear a mask. The maximum number of attendees is 40. The Shabbat morning services will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Hendeles Chapel. There will also be a Back...
Monday, we wrote to you to apologize for the technical issues we
experienced during our Rosh Hashanah live stream and committed that we
would take the necessary steps to address these prior to Yom
Kippur. Today, we are pleased to report that these problems have been
fixed and we are ready to go for Yom Kippur.
The initial problems on Rosh Hashanah Day 1 were due to an...
Learn more about our service experiences here>>Learn how to access online HHD services here>>Kol Nidrei: Sunday, September 276:50 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Short & Sweet Service6:50 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Sanctuary Service Service6:50 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Mezzanine Service ServiceYom Kippur: Monday, September 288:45 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. Communal Shaharit 10:10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Sanctuary...
Fulfill the mitzvah of hearing the shofar blow on Rosh Hashanah this Sunday, September 20 at one of our seven public shofar blowings. Alex Muir Memorial Gardens (east side
of Yonge, at Alexander Muir Boulevard). Time: 1:30 p.m.Shofar Blower: Joe Milner
Beth Tzedec Congregation (1700 Bathurst St. - Parking Lot)Time: 3:00 p.m.Shofar Blower: Rabbi Steven Wernick, Senior Rabbi.
Dell Park (west...
The High Holy Days are almost here, and we know how excited everyone is to
access Beth Tzedec's live streamed services and experiences!
Beth Tzedec members will be able to access our High Holy Day streamed
services hub through their laptop or computer, or through a mobile
device such as a cellphone or tablet. Your email address in your
membership profile is your 'ticket' to accessing...
It’s hard to believe that it’s September.
For me, the last six months have been a blur. I worried about my job, my
kids and my parents. I spent more time in my home office than anywhere
else. And I was constantly thinking about Beth Tzedec and what it would
take to sustain our community through all of this.
But the last six months, as hard as they have been, have also been...
Learn more about our service experiences here>>Learn how to access online HHD services here>>Erev Rosh Hashanah: Friday, September 186:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Minhah and Festival Ma'arivRosh Hashanah I: Saturday, September 199:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Communal Shaharit (Blending
together the Sanctuary and Mezzanine services, this joint experience
will allow us to start our day davening...
We're bringing back your favourite High Holy Day services for you and your family to enjoy from home! Beth Tzedec members will have access to a special virtual hub to access the High Holy Day experiences that are meaningful to you. This page will be updated with direct links to access the services as we move closer to Rosh Hashanah.Find the full service schedule here>>Learn how to access...
For many of us, the key rituals of this holy season can't quite be replicated online, so we're bringing them to you.Visiting the ArkShare a private prayer in the Beth Tzedec Sanctuary by registering to visit the Aron Kodesh, the ark, during the Days of Awe (between Monday, September 21 and Saturday, September 26). A limited number of Beth Tzedec members will be invited to sign up for a one hour...