
BT Small Groups Community Conversations and Survey
By: Debbie Rothstein
May 8th 2020
Beth Tzedec is constantly striving to be a vibrant, inclusive community where members feel strongly connected to our congregation and to each other. A caring community involves more than just membership contributions. We want Beth Tzedec to foster relationships that motivate members to live meaningful and impactful Jewish lives that include taking responsibility for caring for our...
Remembering Omer Hai: A D'var Israel from Gal Goren
By: Beth Tzedec
May 7th 2020
"It is hard to find a bad word to say about Omer, or a good word that you can’t say about him. He was such a good person, one of those rare good people which is hard to find, full of good intentions, who would not harm a fly. Omer was very shy, and you could even have seen it in his loving brown eyes. You couldn’t ever ignore his charming smile. He was so ambitious and intelligent...
Gratitude and Hesed: A Message from the Senior Rabbi
By: Rabbi Steve Wernick
May 1st 2020
Dear Friends, As always, we hope that you are healthy, safe and managing the multitude of emotions that crises such as these inevitably produce. We are here for each other and are continuing to reach out to our community to check in, connect and care. Please contact us if there is something we can do to make this moment a little bit easier for you. BT All Access continues to be a...
Remembering the Holocaust: A D'var Israel from Alona
By: Beth Tzedec
Apr 24th 2020
This Holocaust Remembrance Day was different. It didn’t feel the same without the ceremonies, without seeing everyone in the street wearing white, without the feeling you get walking in the street, feeling like time is frozen. For me, it was different for another reason, it was the first Holocaust Remembrance Day in 10 years that I didn’t get to visit my grandfather, Avraham. My...
Standing Together
By: Debbie Rothstein
Apr 23rd 2020
In the 10 years since I joined the Beth Tzedec board, the person I have turned to for advice most often has been my father, Paul Rothstein. With his 60 years of history at Beth Tzedec and having been a past president, my dad has been a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. The best advice he ever gave me was to trust my gut – if a decision didn’t feel right, then it probably wasn’t....
Reflections from Pesah
By: Rabbi Steve Wernick
Apr 19th 2020
Dear friends,   I hope you had a meaningful Passover. It certainly was memorable! How many Zoom jokes did you share? What dayanu, it would have been enough, of thankfulness did you add to the traditional list? When Elijah came to your door, did you let him in? Did you make sure he was masked and gloved? Did he look like Bette Midler? (Did you watch the Saturday Night...
Caring for Aging Parents from a Distance
By: Rabbi Robyn Fryer Bodzin
Apr 16th 2020
Dear friends, The current pandemic has brought up real issues and challenges for many of us. Collectively we are dealing with the reality of staying home for a long stretch of time, without a definitive end date. Individually, we bring to this moment of time a slew of individual circumstances. For a plethora of reasons, COVID-19 is not enriching our well-being. Some of us are trying...
Apex Kosher Catering ... Keeping Our Kitchens Open
By: Beth Tzedec
Apr 12th 2020
Sit Down to a Stress-Free Shabbat DinnerOur friends at Apex Kosher Catering are offering weekly Friday night dinners at an affordable price for pick up or delivery. The menu changes weekly, so be sure to check back often for your favourite meals.To view the latest menu, click here >>
Beth Tzedec Rabbis ON the News
By: Beth Tzedec
Apr 8th 2020
On Tuesday, April 7, Beth Tzedec's rabbis were featured on provincial and national news networks to discuss the life during the international Covid-19 pandemic.Rabbi Steven Wernick was interviewed on CBC News Network and CBC's The National, discussing how religious institutions are practicing social distancing and spiritual nearness in these challenging times. To view his interview, click...
Life in Unprecedented Times
By: Debbie Rothstein
Apr 6th 2020
To say that we are living in unprecedented times would be an understatement. I am writing to you from my home office, a room that I have barely left in the last three weeks. I cannot imagine that there is a family in our kehillah left untouched by COVID-19, health-wise or financially. As we look for a light in the darkness, it is easy to spiral into anxiety and despair. I know that it...
In the Community: Programs, Events and Updates
By: Beth Tzedec
Apr 5th 2020
Yom Hashoah V'HagvurahCross-Canada Virtual Holocaust Remembrance Day CommemorationMonday, April 20 at 7:00 pm – The unfortunate cancellation of in-person Yom Hashoah gatherings across Canada has presented an unprecedented opportunity. This year, from coast to coast, we will join together for an online Holocaust Remembrance presentation unlike any other. The program will include greetings...
Covid-19 and Physical Distancing During Passover
By: Beth Tzedec
Apr 4th 2020
We hope all the members of our Congregation and the community are coping well in these difficult times.The leadership and staff at Beth Tzedec are working hard to keep you up-to-date with information and protocols related to the Covid-19 pandemic, including the importance of strict physical distancing over Passover. This year, it means staying home and conducting seders only with members of your...
Learning to Appreciate Family: A D'var Israel from Alona
By: Beth Tzedec
Apr 3rd 2020
I’m going insane at home right now. Can you relate? At some level I guess you can. The result of the COVID-19 situation is that you have to stay at home most of the day, if not the whole day. You can’t see any of your friends and colleagues, and you can only see your family. If that’s not enough, you have to see those same people, that have this special way to get on your nerves in a way...
Beth Tzedec Congregational School Transitions to Online Learning
By: Daniel Silverman
Apr 2nd 2020
On Friday, March 13, the day after the province of Ontario extended public school closures by two weeks beyond March break due to COVID-19 concerns, I sent an email to the families in the Beth Tzedec Congregational School advising them that we would be moving our learning online as well. Our dedicated teachers and I used the March Break week to brainstorm, troubleshoot and plan for...
Revised Pesah Service Schedule
By: Beth Tzedec
Apr 1st 2020
To better accommodate our members during Pesah, we have made revisions to the service schedule for the next two weeks.   Minhah on Wednesday, April 8 and Tuesday, April 14 will be hosted online at 4:00 p.m., before the hag begins. Shaharit on Sunday, April 12 will hosted online at 8:45 a.m. Shaharit on Monday, April 13 and Tuesday, April 14 will be hosted online at 7:30...