“When the Canaanite king
of Arad… learned that Israel was coming… he engaged Israel in battle and took
some of them captive.” (Numbers 21:1)
This week’s Torah
reading, Hukkat, discusses the Israelites’ journey through enemy
territory as they prepared to enter the land of Israel. They wage war against
those nations who do not permit them to pass through their land. The...
Chevre,It’s sometimes hard to believe that I have been learning at the Hartman Institute now for two weeks?! The Rabbinic Leadership Initiative Fellowship is intense. This summer’s themes are Jewish Peoplehood and Israel Today and Tomorrow. The days are long and the learning intense, but the scholarship is top notch, challenging, and inspiring. I feel especially blessed to be learning with a...
I was looking at the story of Korach, it struck me that the one verb I would
expect to see in this narrative does not appear at all: the Hebrew verb marad
(to rebel). After all, we know this narrative as the rebellion of Korach. Nor
does the noun Mered (rebel) appear in the story. The troublemakers
“congregate” against Moses and Aaron, using the same verb and noun that we use
for our...
Beth Tzedec Announces the Promotion of Brian Dias to the Role of Director, Property ServicesI am pleased to announce the promotion of Beth Tzedec’s long-time Property Manager, Brian Dias, to the position of Director, Property Services.In this role, Brian’s oversight of our physical plant will formally extend beyond the synagogue facility at 1700 Bathurst to include our houses and beautiful...
Voluntary Donation Options on Your StatementEach year, there are a number of voluntary contributions that we encourage members to make to support important programs and organizations:Beth Tzedec SisterhoodBeth Tzedec Men's ClubFamily Engagement FundUSCJTo learn more about each of these tax-receiptable opportunities, please click visit https://bit.ly/voluntary-contributions-2024.
Beth Tzedec Bulletin - Summer EditionThe latest edition of the Beth Tzedec Bulletin is available for download. Let's celebrate, learn, pray and connect as a community with the many opportunities offered throughout our quarterly catalogue of programs, events and articles.Don't miss any of the news and opportunities, including:Beth Tzedec Israel Experience Trip (page 2);High Holy...
Learn the Dates
The first anniversary of my mother’s death
was two weeks ago today.
Her first yahrzeit begins this
Sunday at sundown.
A few years ago, I attended a free seminar
about grief and loss. While the session was open to the public, many in attendance
were folks who work in “people-facing” fields—teachers, guidance counselors,
doctors, nurses and clergy—hoping to...
Beth Tzedec is proud to partner with groups and projects that
support our values. When you make your annual membership contribution, we
encourage you to consider supporting these important organizations and initiatives.MEN'S CLUB: $36.00The Beth Tzedec Men's Club is committed to supporting our community, sponsoring exciting programs, courses, initiatives and celebrating holiday...
A major
portion of Parashat Beha’alotkha devotes itself to the Israelites’ wanderings
in the wilderness dictated by the movement of the Clouds of Glory hovering
above the Tabernacle to guide and protect the Israelites along the way. Chapter
11 covers the departure from Mount Sinai, the first stage of the march being a
three-day journey to Taberah in the wilderness of Paran. The...
Dear Jewish Community in the GTA,Antisemitism is UnacceptableAs Christian ministers in the Greater Toronto Area, we are deeply troubled by the recent events of hatred and mistreatment towards the Jewish community. We want to express our deep concern and unequivocal condemnation of antisemitism in its various forms. We believe that every person, including the Jewish community should be treated...
A few years
back, a friend and colleague Rabbi Daniel Greyber wrote a rabbinic
responsa, about the community’s obligations to provide comfort to an
individual whose shiva is canceled by the festival.
This is how
his teshuvah/responsa began:
It is
established halakhah that if an individual suffers a loss and the burial takes
place in the days before a...
summer, I am completing a 400-hour unit of clinical pastoral education, or
spiritual care, as the Chesed Intern at Beth Tzedec. In this role, I have the
privilege of offering my presence to members of our community. We spend our visits
together getting to know each other, and I listen to the stories, often full of
both struggles and triumphs, of the unique lives of each person. At the...
Parashat Bechukotai
provides the capstone covenant to the Book of Leviticus. Having shared so many
rules and laws, the book ends with God sharing what rewards the people will
receive should they adhere, and what curses and difficulties they will
encounter if they don’t.
The curses section is much longer and more detailed than the
blessings section. Perhaps this is because our behaviour...
This evening begins the 32nd day of the Omer, Lev B’Omer - לב בעומר. Each evening, we
add another to the count of the Omer, culminating in the 49th day and the
celebration of the giving of the Torah on Shavuot. Each day the total count of
the Omer increases just like how each night of Chanukah we add one more candle
to the Chanukiyah. Rabbis Hillel and Shammai debated how to count...
"And when you will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Lord, offer it that it may be accepted (lirtzonchem)"(22:29).Rashi, the 11th century sage interprets the word "lirtzonchem" for our Torah portion Emor as having a double meaning. He explains, God will only accept our offering/gratitude if we offer it with full "knowledge and intention".While habit (keva) is central to Jewish practice and...