Beth Tzedec is excited to partner with UJA and USY to help Toronto teens in Grades 10 & 11 save over $5,000 for EPIC Israel trips this summer! (Teens in Grades 12 are eligible for $1,600 in scholarship funds.)In this unique three-week Israel trip, participants will build a community unlike any other, experience the Jewish homeland, and take part in all the country has to offer...
Dear Friends,In this week’s parashah, God asked Moshe to go to Pharaoh and try again to demand that Israel be freed. Even though Pharaoh did not budge the first time Moshe went to see him, God doesn’t give up on Moshe.In a fit of frustration Moshe said to God: “If the Israelites do not listen to me; how then should Pharaoh heed me, I am aral s’fatayim—a man of uncircumcised of lips.”...
Beth Tzedec's REDI CommitteeJoin the work of Beth Tzedec's REDI CommitteeREDI stands for anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Our committee consists of members of the Beth Tzedec community who work passionately to promote an inclusive, anti-racist, safe and welcoming environment for all.Our mission is to champion the inclusion of all members of the Jewish community at Beth...
Moses eyes the Burning Bush and approaches it. God charges him with going to Pharaoh to free the Israelites from slavery. Miracle after miracle occurs, and what is Moses’ initial response?“Please, O my Lord, I have never been a man of words—kabed peh u’khvad lashon Anokhi—I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” (Ex. 4:10)Did Moses have a speech impediment? That’s certainly how...
At shul last Shabbat morning, Reb Steve noted the pending secular New Year, inviting us, as we do for the Jewish New Year, to take the opportunity for heshbon hanefesh—a spiritual accounting of sorts. “How have I lived this past year?” I always appreciate a nudge toward greater awareness. At that moment, however, I noticed a kind of fatigue at the prospect of further recounting...
We are continually seeking ways to create different approaches for engaging together during our services. As part of this, we will introduce, as an experiment, an alternative to the traditional sermon using a more interactive discussion aligned with the weekly Torah reading. We plan to do this on four upcoming Shabbatot on January 14 and 28 and February 11 and 25. On these days,...
The Member Engagement Committee is gearing up to send our annual holiday package filled with Purim treats to our university/college student members. Please send us a ‘snailmail’ (mailing) address to Klara at or call 416-781-3514, ext.220.All requests must be received by Tuesday, February 7.
On June 12, 2014, Israel was witness to the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar, and Naftali Fraenkel. After the discovery and burial of the bodies of the three boys a few weeks later, Israeli singer and composer Yonatan Razel paid a shiva call to the family of Naftali Fraenkel. At a subsequent concert Yonatan gave, he shared the following experience from...
Each month, our shinshinit Amit Mizrachi will share an Israeli song to inspire, engage and entertain us as we get ready to usher in Shabbat. December 2022
“Matanot Ktanot - little presents” by the incredibly talented Israel artist Rami Kleinstein is the perfect song for Shabbat,
It describes perfectly the atmosphere of Shabbat in Israel the way I see it and feel it. It...
On Monday, December 5, Rabbi Steven Wernick received an honourary Doctor of Divinity degree from the Jewish
Theological Seminary in recognition of his achievements over many years
of distinguished service. If you would like to make a contribution in honour of Rabbi Steven Wernick, please consider donating to the Rabbi Steven Wernick Discretionary Fund. To send Reb Steve a...
Dear Friends,
morning gratitude practice is robust. I start immediately by thanking
God for my family: my husband who is usually still asleep as I leave for
minyan and my daughter who has made her way into
our bed sometime during the night hours. As I walk the short distance
to shul, I remember to be thankful for my short commute. And even after
more than three years, I...
הבוקר התעוררנו לפיגוע כפול בירושלים שהביא לאובדן גדול בו תלמיד ישיבה בן 16 נרצח. ליבנו נשבר מהטרגדיה שגרמה למותו של הנער הצעיר, אריה שצ'ופק זכרונו לברכה. אריה היה תושב ישראלי קנדי. אנו מביעים צער עמוק בשם בית צדק לכלל...
Thursday and Friday of this week are Rosh H̱odesh Kislev. That means there are only 18 more shopping days until H̱anukkah! What shall we get the kids?Advertising has started already. The Globe and Mail had a special holiday gift section recently. And my social media is inundated with personalized suggestions. For many from now until H̱anukkah, it’s shop until you drop, spinning through...
Beth Tzedec is a vibrant, engaging and BUSY community! Keep up-to-date with the events, programs and news by signing up for our weekly enewsletter. To add your name to the list, email Terri at
In the midst of so much rich narrative in this week’s parasha, (the death of Sarah, the generosity of Rivka, the love discovered between Rivka and Yitzchak and the death of Avraham), we find the following pasuk…Genesis 24:63וַיֵּצֵ֥א יִצְחָ֛ק לָשׂ֥וּחַ בַּשָּׂדֶ֖ה לִפְנ֣וֹת עָ֑רֶב וַיִּשָּׂ֤א עֵינָיו֙ וַיַּ֔רְא...