
Introducing Lishmoa El Harina!
By: Beth Tzedec
Aug 12th 2016
Under the direction of conductor and composer Meir Briskman, Lishmoa El Harina—an international ensemble of men and women—will add their voices to those of Cantor Moshe Fishel and the Congregation during this year's High Holy Day Sanctuary Services. The ensemble features the talents of Johanna Bronk, Karen Goldfeder, Amy Goldin, Jake Halperin, Ron Orlovsky, Amit Rappel, Ziv Shalit and...
Yasher Koah to Bill Gladstone
By: Beth Tzedec
Aug 11th 2016
Yasher Koaẖ to Bill Gladstone who has been nominated for a Heritage Toronto Award for his work on The History of Beth Tzedec Congregation. The awards are a celebration of the outstanding contributions made by individuals, corporations and community groups in heritage preservation and education throughout the city. Bill Gladstone is a Toronto-based journalist, author, publisher and a noted...
Outstanding Young Cantor Readies for High Holy Days at BT
By: Beth Tzedec
Jul 29th 2016
Thirty-one year old Israeli Cantor Moshe Fishel is “so excited it’s hard to sleep”, and is diligently working on preparing to lead us in prayer during this year’s High Holy Days. Joining Cantor Fishel will be a choir under the baton of fellow Israeli Meir Briskman. Together with our Congregation, they will fill our Sanctuary with music and prayer. Cantor Fishel met with Rav...
Parking Lot Restrictions on Tuesday, July 26
By: Beth Tzedec
Jul 25th 2016
Due to ongoing renovations work, access to the parking lot will be restricted to the north-west side only this Tuesday, July 26 from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Access will be available from Avenal Rd. through the west entrance, and parking will only be permitted along the west fence of the upper lot.Please note that street parking is available along Avenal Rd. and Warwick Ave., as well as long...
Welcome Guest Cantor Moshe Fishel and Conductor Meir Briskman for the High Holy Day Services
By: Sheldon Rotman
Jul 13th 2016
A Message from the PresidentWe are delighted to announce that Cantor Moshe Fishel, a dynamic young Israeli talent, will lead our Sanctuary Service for this year’s High Holy Day Services. Cantor Fishel has spent the past five years as Cantor of the Great Synagogue of Munich. He was a star student of the School of Chazanut and Jewish Music in Israel, and the Board of Governors is...
Summer Job Opening for University or College Students
Jun 23rd 2016
Engagement Intern Beth Tzedec is searching for a high energy Engagement Intern who will be focusing on engagement and communication with young adults aged 18-39. The responsibilities will include: 1. Updating contact information for over 1000 members that fit into this category2. Organizing and facilitating one on one conversations, parlour meetings, surveys and both formal and...
Honouring Those Who Lead our Congregation
By: Beth Tzedec
Jun 16th 2016
Shabbat morning, June 25, will be the final Shabbat service led by Cantor Spiro before he concludes his time at Beth Tzedec and commences his usual summer vacation. For the past 11 years, Cantor Spiro has provided musical leadership to our Congregation and enhanced the life of our shul; this will be a wonderful opportunity for our community to daven and sing together. Shabbat, June 25 will...
Shaping Jewish Identity: The Role of Memory and History
By: Rabbi Harvey Meirovich, D.H.L.
Jun 16th 2016
June 12, 2016 / Shavuot morning, 5776 I am inspired by a provocative claim made by the late Jewish historian, Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi. In his celebrated book, Zakhor, published more than three decades ago, Yerushalmi sets down an audacious claim about the 4,000 year adventures of the Jewish people. He delves into the two main strategies Jews have used to fortify their group survival. One...
Reflections on Making Aliyah 25+ Years Later
By: Rabbi Harvey Meirovich, D.H.L.
Jun 16th 2016
June 11, 2016 / Shavuot 5776Keynote at the Tikkun Leyl Shavuot program On August 17, 1989 our family, then numbering Cheryl and myself and our four children, Danya, Ari, Elina, and Batya, stepped on to Israeli soil as new immigrants to Israel. More than 25 years later our family count, besides Cheryl and myself, comprises our four married children, and our 13 grandchildren, ranging from 14...
Board Elects New Executive Team
By: Beth Tzedec
Jun 8th 2016
On Tuesday evening, June 7, the Board of Governors met and elected the new Executive, comprised of the following individuals: Sheldon Rotman – President Debbie Rothstein – Chair of the Board Alan Sless – Vice-President Ilene Flatt – Vice-Chair Cecile Zaifman – Treasurer Lawrence Wallach – Secretary Gary Elman – Parnos S. Blake Teichman – Immediate Past...
Youth Director/Teen Engagement Coordinator Position
By: Beth Tzedec
Jun 7th 2016
Full-Time PositionECRUSY and Beth Tzedec Congregation are currently seeking a Regional Youth Director and Teen Engagement Coordinator.  This new and exciting, full-time, Toronto-based position combines dual responsibility for leading USY (grades 9-12) and Kadima (grades 5-8) programs across the Eastern Canada Region of United...
Beth Tzedec Board of Governors Election Results
By: S. Blake Teichman
Jun 5th 2016
A Message from the PresidentTo the Members of Beth Tzedec Congregation: It is my pleasure to advise the membership that the election results are now final. The following are the names of the successful candidates who have been elected to Beth Tzedec Congregation's Board of Governors for a two-year term: Gary ElmanIlene FlattLeonard Gangbar (new)Ava Kanner (new)Karen HershDavid Matlow...
Peace of Mind Speech from Eli (a POM participant)
By: Beth Tzedec
Jun 2nd 2016
A unit of discharged Israeli soldiers participating in the Peace of Mind program joined us for a special Peace of Mind Shabbat dinner on May 20. Eli, a participant in the weeklong program, spoke to the Congregation about his experience here. Please see below for his presentation.Hi, My name is Eli. First, I would like to apologize for reading from the...
Strategic Planning Update
By: Beth Tzedec
May 20th 2016
May 20—We had an excellent response to the strategic planning survey, receiving 979 surveys from approximately 2,500 Beth Tzedec member families, including input from former members and children of members who chose to leave Beth Tzedec. The survey information will provide solid feedback to add to the other data we have collected as part of the strategic planning...
Beth Tzedec Walks with Israel
By: Simmi Toby
May 18th 2016
On Sunday, May 29 beginning at 8:00 a.m., drop by our 'Beth Tzedec booth' to say hello, fuel up with coffee and donuts, pick up some great swag, and maybe even join us on the UJA's Walk. Look for the Beth Tzedec banner at Coronation Park to find us. We'll also have a Beth Tzedec team walking this year. If you would like to sign up to join our team, contact Simmi Toby at 416-781-3514...