As Jews and Canadians, we face many challenges.
We are called to broaden access to Jewish education,
creatively continue our tradition, attend to our elderly,
support Israel, and defend democratic and free societies.
In addition, we must care for poor Jews and provide
humanitarian assistance to those who are outside the
borders of our community. Having grown up in poverty, I am...
The information contained in last week’s edition of The Week Ahead e-newsletter regarding the Choir has led to some questions about the process leading up to that announcement, and I’d like to share some additional background with the Congregation.
The Rabbi meets regularly with Synagogue leadership to discuss a wide range of issues affecting Beth Tzedec. Some issues are mundane...
I was asked to share with the Beth Tzedec community these words of gratitude from Thanaa and Amyn, the sister and brother-in-law of the Syrian family we are sponsoring.We would really like to thank the entire Beth Tzedec Congregation along with JIAS for their heart-felt, overwhelming support in the reunification of our family, and giving hope and a better future for those less fortunate who have...
November 2015 ~ 14 Kislev 5776
“This is the day that the Eternal has made.” What
a privilege and blessing for our two communities to witness Canadian Rabbis and
Bishops sharing wine and sitting together for dinner. This would have been
unimaginable 100 years ago, when Albert Einstein presented his famous
General Theory of Relativity. Just as his theory and equation changed...
There are those who are calling us naïve; that we are
ignoring the facts and putting our community in jeopardy.
Some have asked whether we have a moral responsibility
to care for the impoverished within our own city and
country before we help strangers halfway across the world.
A few have shared with me that something just doesn’t sit
right with them about helping Muslim...
After the Blue Jays’ loss to
Kansas City, I had many flashbacks to
my childhood. The Blue Jays’ World
Series wins in 1992 and 1993 are
some of the happiest moments of my
youth. After all, as a seven and eight
year old, there’s nothing better than
seeing your team win a championship.
The key moments are further imprinted
in my brain thanks to repeated viewings
of the commemorative...
Who can recount the mighty acts of Israel?Who can count them?
Indeed, in every age, a hero shall arise
The people’s rescuer. Hear!
In those days and in our time,
A Maccabee saves and redeems.
And in our days, all of Israel
Shall stand united and be rescued. Every winter of my childhood, my family went to
visit Israeli friends who lived nearby. We would sit around
their living...
We have now completed the stretch run to Rosh
Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the annual period of self and
communal reflection. In this town, the excitement and
buzz may have focussed a little more on the Blue Jays
playoff run and less on our own personal run
towards a meaningful and fulfilling High Holy Day and
Sukkot experience. Increasingly, or so it seems, many who
are renewing or joining a...
What can a synagogue community be? The film Back to the Future was set in 1955 and
imagined events of 2015. As Beth Tzedec celebrates its
60th anniversary as a congregation (our roots actually go
back to the 1890s with our founding kehillot of Beth
Midrash Hagadol and Goel Tzedec), it is appropriate to
reflect on what our Synagogue has been in the past,
where we are today and what we...
Are you looking to connect with singles ages 60 and over for friendship, networking and socializing? Join our new 60+ Singles Friendship Group and help us plan events where we can all laugh, learn and have fun together in a positive and supportive environment with likeminded adults. For more information, contact Zina Glassman at 416-781-3514 ext. 225 or the Synagogue office at 416-781-3511.
A 60th Anniversary Shabbat UpdateDear Friends:During the past 60 amazing years, Beth Tzedec has provided outstanding programs and services to our community. From time to time, we have faced challenges, yet each time we have turned the challenge into an opportunity.Late Wednesday night, we received word that our guest speaker, Rabbi Donniel Hartman, had fallen ill and had to immediately...
This summer, i witnessed the bringing together of long separated art and spirit to restore a whole heart, םלש בל (lev shalem). I thought of the different paths our personal yearning for wholeness and healing may take: in the beauty of sea, sky and snow; the solitude of meditation; the activity of family celebration; exquisite moments of song and prayer. Just before the...
June 2015 Beth Tzedec Congregation has been in discussions with JIAS (Jewish
Immigration Aid Services) Toronto about sponsoring a refugee family from Syria.We have committed to sponsor one family of
four at a cost of $30,000. This figure
helps to cover basic needs and
start-up costs of refugees during their first 12 months in Canada. We need your help to move forward. In order to...
The18th century rabbi and mystic Yisroel ben Eliezer,
lovingly known as the Ba'al Shem Tov, referred to the
Jewish people as a living Torah. He explained that a Torah
that is missing even just one letter is considered pasul,
invalid, and no longer fit to be used until it is corrected.
Similarly, if even one Jewish person feels like an outsider,
unwelcome and not part of our collective...
During the recent PanAm Games
here in Toronto, I attended my first-ever
swimming and track and field
competitions. Both were a lot of fun
and a great way to spend a morning,
and it also marked the first time I got
to cheer on Canadian athletes in
person. At each event, there was something
that I had never experienced
before. Prior to a race starting, when
the starter called the...