We recognize the centrality of Israel in our lives. We therefore strongly condemn the indiscriminate rocket attacks against civilians from the terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. As a community, we express our great sadness in the loss of life that these escalations of violence bring to all who live in the region.
Our community stands in solidarity with the families of the 45 individuals who lost their lives, the more than 100 families whose relatives were injured and the entire Jewish people following the Lag Ba’omer tragedy on Mt. Meron.
On behalf of the Nominating Committee of Beth Tzedec Congregation, please be advised that, since no additional candidates were nominated by petition to stand for election as Director by the deadline of April 21, 2021, the following will be acclaimed as Directors at the annual meeting scheduled for May 25, 2021, each for a term of three years:
Perry Cooper, Vice President of the Beth Tzedec Men's Club, shared a letter for our community about the group's annual Yom Hashoah candle distribution.
The Sexual Misconduct, Abuse and Harassment Prevention Policy: A Safe Environment for All was approved by the Board of Directors March 27, 2018. Breach of the policy may be grounds for disciplinary action or termination, in accordance with section 8.03(1) of the By-Laws (as amended).
Carolyn Kolers, Chair of the Nominating Committee, notified the Members of the names of the individuals whom the Nominating Committee, after due deliberation and consideration, has nominated for election as a Director at the Annual Meeting which will be held on Tuesday, May 25, 2021:
Author Norman Bacal is donating the proceeds of his two recent releases, which we are making available at discounted prices. Curl up with the epic saga of Ophelia or inspire a young person in your life with Take Charge, all while supporting programs & experiences at Beth Tzedec.
Include the names of your loved ones in the annual Yizkor Memorial Book used at Services on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Pesah and Shavuot. Use the link below to complete your online submission or email Terri Humphries.
The Yizkor Memorial Book was distributed prior to in the High Holy Days. If you have misplaced or returned your Yizkor Book, you can download it below for Monday's Shavuot Yizkor service. We recommend that you download it in advance of services to avoid website 'traffic jams'.
We are currently experiencing issues with our email server and are unable to send or access our email messages. If you are trying to reach a staff member, please phone them or call our office at 416-781-3511. A listing of our extensions is available below. This issue is being investigated and will corrected soon.
As part of our ongoing efforts toward making our community as welcoming and inclusive as possible, Beth Tzedec rabbis will now be officiating at same-sex weddings. Read the announcement from Rabbi Steven Wernick.
On Friday evening, we experienced a technical issue with our production system that prevented us from being able to livestream the full Kabbalat Shabbat service. We have identified and corrected the issue and apologize for any inconvenience.
We are currently experiencing issues with our phone system and are unable to receive phone calls or voicemail messages. If you are trying to reach a staff member, please email them or our office email at info@beth-tzedec.org. This issue is being investigated and will corrected soon.
In 1965, the Second Vatican Council addressed the relationship between Catholics and
Jews in “Declaration on the Relation of
the Church to Non-Christian Religions”. Rabbi Frydman-Kohl and Dr. Norman Tobias, as part of the Canadian Rabbinic Caucus, worked with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on this historical document.
Register for in-person Friday evening and for Shabbat morning services. Services will be appropriately distanced, and all are required to wear a mask. Shabbat services will begin at 9:30 a.m.; check the calendar for Friday service times.